Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving we enjoyed some very yummy fried turkey with dear friends and family on an absolutely beautiful cloudy day in So. Cal. We all worked together to prepare the food and atmosphere for a day to give thanks for so much!

We are especially looking forward to the holidays with Hannah at the age she is. Suddenly she is speaking up a storm! She said her first three sentences in November, "Daddy come home!", "Mommy turn", and "Mommy, where are you?" and now she is talking non stop. She also walks around the house singing all her favorite Barney tunes. Her voice is so precious!


Tracy said...

I have been waiting to see your Thanksgiving photos...knew it'd get done sometime...Dec. 6th is better than never...(ok, I am done complaining now :0) dear friend)

Love getting these glimpses of your BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!! Love the photos. Good to hear Hannah is talking. She looks marvelous!

Hilary Marquis said...

So good to see an update! Fried turkey is the best isn't it? Hannah is growing like a weed and more adorable than ever. She and Anara have the same fluffy cheeks happening :)